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Artículos sobre Archaeology

Mostrando 301 - 320 de 499 artículos

The Port Arthur historic site is beautiful today – but its isolation would have been overwhelming for former convict inhabitants. Port Arthur Historic Site

Why archaeology is so much more than just digging

Without due process, archeological digs turn into into expensive and directionless treasure hunts from which little research value can be extracted.
Nature’s bank vault. Julius Glampedakis

Seagrass, protector of shipwrecks and buried treasure

The sediments that accumulate beneath seagrass meadows can act as secure vaults for shipwrecks and other precious artefacts, by stopping water and oxygen from damaging the delicate timbers.
Ammunition found at a mounted police camp at Eyre Creek. Lynley Wallis

How unearthing Queensland’s ‘native police’ camps gives us a window onto colonial violence

For 60 years, native police were deployed in Queensland to ‘disperse’ Aboriginal communities (a euphemism for systematic killing). Unearthing their camps is a key part of reckoning with the violence of those times.
Unseen from ground level, this Iron Age farmstead with recognisable round house near the Yorkshire Wolds is revealed in cropmarks. The lighter green shows it was carefully placed on a gravel rise surrounded by wetter land, shown here where the crop grows a darker green. Peter Halkon

Seen from the air, the dry summer reveals an ancient harvest of archaeological finds

A hot summer reveals hidden history beneath the dried-out fields - but only when seen from the air.
A bough shelter made for the funeral of W. Willika in the remote Northern Territory community of Barunga. Photo: Claire Smith

A grave omission: the quest to identify the dead in remote NT

In remote Northern Territory, most Aboriginal people have been buried in unmarked graves. Archaelogists are carrying out painstaking detective work to help communities find their loved ones’ remains.

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