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Artículos sobre Assisted living

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Centenarian Clementina Ripplinger with researcher Heather Nelson. Researchers spoke to very elderly people about what brings them joy and how they plan for the future. (Shane Luhning)

Finding joy at age 100: Talking to centenarians about living their best life at any age

What is life like at 100? Centenarians shared their joys and future hopes with a team of Saskatchewan researchers.
When bonds are forged between generations, both the young and the old benefit. Maskot/DigitalVision via Getty Images

This course teaches students how to connect with older adults to forge intergenerational bonds and help alleviate loneliness and isolation

Social isolation and loneliness in aging adults have been linked to numerous physical and mental health ailments. Teaching students how to listen deeply to older people can lessen those effects.
Family members often take on the burden of preparing and delivering meals to their relatives. SoumenNath/E+ via Getty Images

What’s on the menu matters in health care for diverse patients

Some older patients forego the food provided at their health care facility because it isn’t aligned with their religious and cultural preferences.
As more and more seniors need care, their budgets will be strained. As a result, they may rely on Medicaid. gagliardiImages/

Why Medicaid matters to you

Medicaid, a state-federal entitlement program that people associate only with the poor, pays for care for more than six in 10 nursing home residents. That could be you, or someone you love.

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