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Artículos sobre Banks

Mostrando 221 - 240 de 280 artículos

Are loans guaranteed by parents adding unnecessary risk to the market? Julien Tromeur/Shutterstock

The problems with relying on the bank of mum and dad

First home buyers looking to break into the housing market are turning to their parents, but it’s not a risk-free proposition for either party.
Accused of helping clients avoid millions in tax. JuliusKielaitis /

HSBC’s Swiss tax scandal is part of a global pattern of avoidance

The revelation in leaked bank files that HSBC’s Swiss banking arm has helped wealthy customers put millions of dollars worth of assets out of the reach of the tax authorities confirms the way in which…
Lloyds Bank has cancelled a high paying bond to the detriment of many of its savers. Thinglass /

Lloyds Bank bond row makes investing sound harder than it is

If you need a reminder of how complex investing in the stock market can be, look no further than the row currently raging between Lloyds Bank and up to 100,000 investors who helped to bail it out in 2009…
Unfair? Image sourced from

Why do people hate bankers? No, really…

In survey after survey bankers rank poorly on ethics and honesty. It’s not hard to find entire websites dedicated to bank hatred. And Bank of America consistently rates in the top 10 most hated companies…
Six global currency-dealers have agreed to pay a total of US$4.3 billion to regulators in the US, UK and Switzerland. Image sourced from

The fix is in: how banks allegedly rigged the US$5.3 trillion foreign exchange market

Suppose you’re in the supermarket shopping for groceries. While you’re strolling the aisle with your cart, a shadowy figure looms over your shoulder and changes the prices on the items you want to buy…
Yes I definitely do want a receipt for this transaction. Andrew Matthews/PA Wire

Banks fined £2bn but the elite continue to evade justice

Regulators in the UK and US are fining five high street banks for attempting to manipulate foreign exchange rates. Together they have been told to pay £2 billion in compensation following a year-long investigation…
Lending standards are so tight that even former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, center, who until recently was one of the most powerful people in the world, can’t refinance his mortgage. Reuters

Ben Bernanke among borrowers paying the price for knee-jerk home loan rules

It’s clear mortgage standards have gotten too tight when even a former Federal Reserve chairman who makes as much as US$250,000 per speech cannot refinance his home. Ben Bernanke complained about his inability…
With a few lines of code, cyber criminals and governments have able to infiltrate the security of banks and retailers and steal hundreds of millions in customer records. Shutterstock

JPMorgan hack signals banks and retailers can do more to keep our data safe

JPMorgan Chase early last month disclosed that cyber thieves pilfered account data on 76 million households and seven million small businesses over the summer, one of the biggest breaches ever and only…
Why is the City keeping its suffering under wraps? Robin Hawkes

Banks pay a heavy price for the crisis, but fail to count the cost

The major international banks are being lumbered with more and higher fines as the fallout from the financial crisis continues. Our research as part of the Conduct Costs Project at the CCP Research Foundation…
Greater asset diversification would help Australian banks lock in a buffer for future downturns. Joel Carrett/Flickr

Australian banks are too exposed to mortgages, but what if the world was flat?

One of the issues currently being considered by Australia’s Financial System Inquiry is the heavy exposure of Australian banks to the residential mortgage market. The exposure to domestic mortgages, which…

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