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Artículos sobre Botany

Mostrando 81 - 95 de 95 artículos

The smoke from burning emu bush was used by Indigenous healers for a number of different rituals. Tony Rodd/Flickr

Indigenous medicine – a fusion of ritual and remedy

Indigenous Australian practices, honed over thousands of years, weave science with storytelling. In this Indigenous science series, we look at different aspects of First Australians’ traditional life and…
Enjoy the color while you can before climate change makes a mess of this too. chensiyuan

Fall foliage in the crosshairs of climate change

One of nature’s most spectacular events occurs every autumn, when the leaves of hardwood trees burst into brilliant color before falling to the ground. These autumnal displays in the eastern United States…
Wilting away? rosipaw

Latin is dead? Long live Latin!

A little item buried on the inside pages of newspapers recently caused a small stir. Latin plant names, it was claimed, were “in danger of dying out”, following a decision by the International Botanical…
Actual botany is not like this. Rank Organisation/Allied Artists

The strange world of the carnivorous plant

Ever since their discovery, carnivorous plants have fascinated scientists and spurred the imagination of artists, writers and filmmakers. While the Puya chilensis cactus at the Royal Horticultural Society…
The Venus Flytrap’s snap trap is one of five ways meat-eating plants catch their dinner. Natalie McNear

Death traps: how carnivorous plants catch their prey

A new species of meat-eating plant was identified in Japan last month - but it is only one of more than 600 species of carnivorous plant around the world. From busy Japanese prefectures to the lush jungles…
“If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” Research shows that plants spread news of trouble. Flickr/Peter Nijenhuls

Heard it on the grapevine: the mysterious chatter of plants

Sound and its use in communication have shaped the ecology, evolution, behaviour, and ultimately the success of many animal species. But are animals the only lifeforms to communicate with sound? Do plants…

Distance no barrier for symbiotic species

Species that are mutually dependent on each other can, in some cases, become separated and reconnect again over distances…

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