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Artículos sobre Cancer risk

Mostrando 61 - 70 de 70 artículos

Having a risk factor doesn’t mean a woman will develop breast cancer. Dick Vos/Flickr

What causes breast cancer? Sorting fact from fiction

Breast cancer accounts for one in four female cancers diagnosed in Australia each year. It is estimated that by the age of 85, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and one in 39 will…
There is growing evidence that alcohol increases the risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Anders Adermark/Flickr

Time to warn drinkers about the risk of cancer

Australians have become accustomed to labels on cigarettes warning about the risk of smoking causing cancer and other diseases. And our research, published in the latest edition of BMC Public Health, shows…

New technique reconstructs life of cells

British researchers have developed a new way of tracing the life history of individual cells back to their origins in the…
Some recommendations are straightforward: more fruit and veg, less alcohol and meat. But for calcium, it’s more complicated. ransomtech/Flickr

Six foods that increase or decrease your risk of cancer

If you believe cancer is a disease that strikes from nowhere with little in your control to prevent it, you’d be mistaken on both counts. Most cases of cancer are considered preventable by positive nutrition…
Not all radiation is harmful. Image from

Nuclear workers’ risk of cancer lower than previously thought

Every job comes with risk and for those who work in the nuclear power industry the long-term risk of cancer is small but significant. Last decade, research looking into the prevalence of cancer in nuclear…
Consumers ought to know the cancer risk associated with regularly consuming some foods and drinks. Image from

Informed consent: why some foods should carry a cancer risk warning

The evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is definitive. It took a few decades, but cigarette packs now carry prominent health warnings to alert us to this risk. When it comes to dietary patterns, convincing…
You can try and control it, but radiation is everywhere. John Von Radowitz /PA

Explainer: How much radiation is harmful to health?

Radiation is everywhere. We catch it from the sun’s rays in the sky, and from the rocks beneath our feet. It comes from television sets, radios and mobile phones. We absorb it from certain fruits, vegetables…
The predictive tool might help women make decisions about changing their lifestyle. Image from

Tool to predict women’s cancer risk could prompt lifestyle changes

Researchers in the United States have developed a new model to predict women’s risk of developing breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, based on individual lifestyle factors. These three cancers make up…
News of a potential adverse link with prostate cancer comes at a time when the public is heeding the message that the omega-3s derived from marine sources are beneficial. Sam Catch/Flickr

Are fish oil supplements putting you at risk of prostate cancer?

A report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute late last week shows a potential link between omega-3 fatty acids and the risk of developing prostate cancer. But it may be premature…

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