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Artículos sobre Clinical data

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An increasing number of health care decisions rely on information from algorithms. Tom Werner/Digital Vision via Getty Images

Including race in clinical algorithms can both reduce and increase health inequities – it depends on what doctors use them for

Biased algorithms in health care can lead to inaccurate diagnoses and delayed treatment. Deciding which variables to include to achieve fair health outcomes depends on how you approach fairness.
It takes around 17 years for medical research to translate into clinical practice. shapecharge/E+ via Getty Images

One way to speed up clinical trials: Skip right to the data with electronic medical records

In health care crises, researchers can avoid waiting for clinical trial results by using data from health care systems to analyze the effectiveness of treatments for COVID-19 and other illnesses.
In a research study, students with an immobilized left arm who trained their opposite wrist completely preserved both the strength and muscle volume in the left arm. (Shutterstock)

Broke your arm? Exercise the other one to strengthen it…

A research study shows that training the other limb can actually help preserve muscle in a broken and immobilized one.
A large proportion of drug trial data never gets published, skewing our picture of drugs’ effectiveness and safety.

Making all clinical data public is vital for better medical care

An article published in the journal of the British Medical Association, BMJ, earlier this week illustrates a devastating problem with the “evidence base” in the academic medical literature. A large proportion…

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