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Artículos sobre Disease modeling

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Studying pregnancy from multiple disciplines could provide new insights. Carol Yepes/Moment via Getty Images

Pregnancy is an engineering challenge − diagnosing and treating preterm birth requires understanding its mechanics

How and why preterm birth happens is still unclear, in part because research on pregnancy tends to focus on developmental biology.
Organoids can replicate each component of the human heart, from its chambers to its veins. Yonatan R. Lewis-Israeli et al. 2021/Nature Communications

Engineering mini human hearts to study pregnancy complications and birth defects

Human heart organoids allow researchers to study the developing heart while avoiding the ethical issues of using human embryos and the imperfections of animal models.
The sum is greater than the parts when researchers build an ensemble from multiple coordinated but independent models. Matteo Chinazzi

Pooling multiple models during COVID-19 pandemic provided more reliable projections about an uncertain future

Policymakers rely on models during uncertain times to figure out how their choices could affect the future. Over the pandemic, an ensemble of many COVID-19 models outperformed any one alone.
The lung-on-a-chip can mimic both the physical and mechanical qualities of a human lung. Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University/Flickr

Organ-on-a-chip models allow researchers to conduct studies closer to real-life conditions – and possibly grease the drug development pipeline

Successes in the lab mostly don’t translate to people. Research models that better mimic the human body could close the gap.
A bad flu year on top of the pandemic could mean trouble for already-stressed hospitals. George Clerk/E+ Collection via Getty Images

Flu season paired with COVID-19 presents the threat of a ‘twindemic,’ making the need for vaccination all the more urgent

Recent computer modeling shows the upcoming flu season might see a surge in cases. Coupled with COVID-19’s continued threat, doctors are again urging Americans to get their shots.

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