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Artículos sobre e-voting

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 26 artículos

Allowing MPs to vote electronically would go a long way to promoting gender equity in Canadian politics. (Pixabay)

How e-voting could close Canada’s political gender gap

To boost inclusivity among its ranks, the House of Commons needs parliamentary reform of its voting procedures to allow electronic online voting, or e-voting, for its members.
What’s missing for elections using technology are careful transparency and scrutiny measures to help mitigate risks and build trust. Reuters/Charles Mostoller

Lessons in trust from America’s experience with electronic voting

Elections worldwide are becoming increasingly dependent on technology. But, typically, the electronic systems adopted suffer from weak transparency and scrutiny even when the outcome is challenged.
How secure is your vote? Hands with votes illustration via

Securing the voting process: Four essential reads

While voter fraud - despite recent allegations - is rare, how do we ensure the ballots we cast are counted accurately? If so, how? Our experts offer background and insight.
Is everything on the up-and-up here? Rick Wilking/Reuters

How vulnerable to hacking is the US election cyber infrastructure?

With the DNC email leak and Trump calling on Russia to hack Clinton’s emails, concern about foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election process is rising. Is e-voting the next cyber battleground?
By hand: voters use paper and pencil to cast their ballots in the 2016 Australian federal election. AAP/Paul Miller

Electronic voting may be risky, but what about vote counting?

There’s something about seeing the ballot process take place – the vote, the count – that inspires confidence. That wouldn’t be the same with any electronic voting system.
Receiving votes from the internet is the easy part. Proving that you got the right result, while keeping votes private, is an unsolved problem. AAP/Paul Miller

Election explainer: why can’t Australians vote online?

Despite years of research, nobody knows how to provide evidence of an accurate result while keeping individual e-votes private.

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