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Artículos sobre Computer security

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Peiter “Mudge” Zatko was Twitter’s security chief. What he claims he found there is a security nightmare. Photo by Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Did Twitter ignore basic security measures? A cybersecurity expert explains a whistleblower’s claims

Former Twitter security chief alleges in a whistleblower complaint gross security malpractice, with many employees having access to the social media platform’s code as well as user data.
The depths of the valleys on a key act like a code that must match the lock. Robin Smith/The Image Bank via Getty Images

How do keys open locks?

A computer security expert explains how keys work – and how they are like passwords.
Cloud services that aren’t properly managed can ‘leak’ data into the wrong hands. id-work/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Mismanaged cloud services put user data at risk

Cloud services are convenient, but if an organization isn’t careful about how it uses them, the services can also give data thieves an opening.
A vulnerability in Log4j, a humble but widespread piece of software, has put millions of computers at risk. SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

What is Log4j? A cybersecurity expert explains the latest internet vulnerability, how bad it is and what’s at stake

Log4Shell is the latest hacker exploit rocking the internet, and it’s arguably the worst yet. The vulnerability is in an obscure piece of software used on millions of computers.
The Morpheus secure processor works like a puzzle that keeps changing before hackers have a chance to solve it. Alan de la Cruz via Unsplash

Shape-shifting computer chip thwarts an army of hackers

Most computer security focuses on software, but computer processors are vulnerable to hackers, too. An experimental secure processor changes its underlying structure before hackers can figure it out.
Women bring a much-needed change in perspective to cybersecurity. Maskot/Maskot via Getty Images

The lack of women in cybersecurity leaves the online world at greater risk

Women are underrepresented in technology fields, but especially so in cybersecurity. It’s not just a matter of fairness. Women are better than men at key aspects of keeping the internet safe.
Servers hosting your favorite websites may be subject to denial-of-service attacks. Visualhunt

When the Internet goes down

The Internet provides us with many services thanks to sites hosted by servers. These may be the victims of denial-of-service attacks that paralyze the entire server.
Staff at the Korea Internet and Security Agency in Seoul, South Korea monitor possible ransomware cyberattacks in May 2017. (Yun Dong-jin/Yonhap via AP)

Ransomware like Bad Rabbit is big business

Like legitimate e-commerce, ransomware e-crime is increasing in scale, value and sophistication.
Taking a much closer look at what’s going on inside malware. MuchMania/

Inside the fight against malware attacks

How do malware analysts examine software that’s designed to wreak havoc with computers? By using tools that watch software’s inner workings very closely.
How secure is your vote? Hands with votes illustration via

Securing the voting process: Four essential reads

While voter fraud - despite recent allegations - is rare, how do we ensure the ballots we cast are counted accurately? If so, how? Our experts offer background and insight.
Is everything on the up-and-up here? Rick Wilking/Reuters

How vulnerable to hacking is the US election cyber infrastructure?

With the DNC email leak and Trump calling on Russia to hack Clinton’s emails, concern about foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election process is rising. Is e-voting the next cyber battleground?

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