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Artículos sobre Economic recession

Mostrando 21 - 27 de 27 artículos

Thousands of civil service employees gather during a protest march for higher pay at the Union Buildings in Pretoria in 2010. EPA/Jon Hrusa

Civil service pay: South Africa has some harsh choices to make

South Africa’s government should urgently announce a moratorium on civil service employment growth. The country has reached its upper limit in the number of civil servants that can be sustained.
Australians should step away from a “story-telling approach” when it comes the economy. AAP/Garry Schafer

Look at the data to understand the risks for the Australian economy

What are the risks in the economic outlook for Australia? Typically, prognosticators take a scenario-based (aka “story-telling”) approach to answering this sort of question. And usually these scenarios…

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