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Artículos sobre Emissions

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 335 artículos

No matter how hard we dig, the Earth’s resources are ultimately finite. Mining image from

The decoupling delusion: rethinking growth and sustainability

Even supposedly “green” technologies such as renewable energy require materials, land and solar exposure and cannot grow indefinitely on this planet.
Policy uncertainty within government surrounding climate change complicates efforts by carbon-intensive companies to develop a long-term strategy. Nikki Short/AAP

Policy uncertainty continues to hamper carbon emissions management

Managers from carbon intensive companies are holding off on long term emissions strategies because of uncertainty around regulations and policies, new research finds.
We’ve come a long way since the agreement was formed in 2015. Stephane Mahe/Reuters

Paris climate agreement enters into force: international experts respond

Experts agree that a new era for climate policy here. But the hard work starts now.
Although Australia has adopted European emissions standards for cars, these are not as strict as EU or US standards. Joe Castro/AAP

ACCC unlikely to secure compensation for Volkswagen customers

The court action ACCC has brought against Volkswagen might not succeed because Australia’s emissions standards are not as strict as those in the US and Europe.
Was Labor’s shadow environment minister, Mark Butler, right to say Australia was ‘pretty much’ the only major advanced economies where greenhouse pollution levels are going up? AAP/Stefan Postles

Election FactCheck: is Australia among the only major advanced economies where pollution levels are going up?

Labor’s shadow environment minister, Mark Butler, said Australia is now “pretty much the only major advanced economy where pollution levels are going up, not coming down.” Is that right?
Labor has released a six point climate plan, which features a proposed phased emissions trading scheme. Lukas Coch/AAP

PolicyCheck: Labor’s phased emissions trading scheme

Labor has said it would introduce an emissions trading scheme for large emitters. PolicyCheck unpacks the detail and provenance of this proposed plan.
Looking for relief: Southern California Gas Company and outside experts work on a relief well at the Aliso Canyon designed to stop the ongoing natural gas leak. Dean Musgrove/Reuters

California’s Aliso Canyon methane leak: climate disaster or opportunity?

The Aliso Canyon methane leak in California is bad, but it’s only a small portion of the methane leaked from the natural gas industry’s sprawling pipeline and storage infrastructure.

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