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Artículos sobre Explainer

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 544 artículos

A supporter of Narendra Modi’s BJP party at rally in late March. Jaipla Singh/EPA

India: what’s at stake in the 2019 elections

India heads to the polls in April and May for the world’s biggest democratic exercise. Why the world should be watching this election.
Special counsel Robert Mueller reached no definitive conclusion about whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice in firing FBI Director James Comey or attacking his own investigation. Reuters/Hyungwon Kang, AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Reuters/Jonathan Ernst, Twitter

Trump and obstruction of justice: An explainer

Legally, a person can obstruct justice even if he committed no other crime – though it is harder to prove. It all depends on the intent behind pressuring investigators, say, or firing an FBI director.
Indian soldiers arrive at the wreckage of an an Indian helicopter that crashed on the Indian side of Kashmir on Feb. 27, 2019. AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan

Kashmir conflict is not just a border dispute between India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan have been fighting for control over Kashmir, an 86,000-square-mile territory in the Himalayas, for seven decades. But the people of Kashmir have their own political goals too.
Protestors at the Women’s March in Washington in January 2017. There was intense discussion of intersectionality at the time of this march. Shutterstock

Explainer: what does ‘intersectionality’ mean?

The term initially focussed on the intersection between race and gender, but more recent uses have extended to include sexuality, gender diversity and disability.
Detail from Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, c. 1616. Her role playing predates by centuries the preoccupations of artists such as Cindy Sherman. Wikimedia

Explainer: Artemisia Gentileschi, a Baroque heroine for the #MeToo era

Born into late-16th century Papal Rome, Gentileschi transcended the path of utter obscurity that was the lot of her female peers to become one of the most famous painters of the day.
After this episode, you’ll be able to explain how quantum mechanics affects everything from the way your jeans are cut to the headphones you use. Cindy Zhi/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: The explainer episode

The explainer episode The Conversation, CC BY67,5 MB (download)
Today on Trust me, I'm An Expert, we're explaining the tricky topics: what is quantum mechanics? What does the research say about lone actor terrorism? And why do people like pimple popping videos?
People are bad at weighing risk, which is why so many Americans don’t get flu shots. AP Photo/David Goldman

How to deal with life’s risks more rationally

People have to make countless decisions on a daily basis that involve some degree of risk, from boarding a plane to crossing the street. The trouble is most of us don’t weigh risk well.
Adios Raúl, hola Miguel. smael Francisco/Courtesy of Cubadebate/Handout via Reuters

Cuba’s getting a new president

Miguel Díaz-Canel, a 57-year-old engineer and Communist Party loyalist, is expected to succeed Raúl Castro as president of Cuba. Will change bring prosperity or instability to the Cuban people?
Foreign goods wait to be unloaded at the Port of Los Angeles. AP Photo/Nick Ut

What is a tariff? An economist explains

A global trade war seems well underway as China and the US exchange targeted tariff attacks. An economist explains what they are, how they work and why they matter.

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