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Artículos sobre Hacking

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 265 artículos

A subject plays a computer game as part of a neural security experiment at the University of Washington. Patrick Bennett

Helping or hacking? Engineers and ethicists must work together on brain-computer interface technology

BCI devices that read minds and act on intentions can change lives for the better. But they could also be put to nefarious use in the not-too-distant future. Now’s the time to think about risks.
Not all hackers can be bad for an organisation: the white hat or ethical hacker can help. Shutterstock/napocska

An ethical hacker can help you beat a malicious one

Simply updating and patching an organisation’s computer software may not be enough to fend off another cyber attack. You could engage an ethical hacker to help out.
The world is searching – will we protect ourselves? Graphic via

The WikiLeaks CIA release: When will we learn?

The latest release from WikiLeaks, of information about CIA hacking efforts, is yet another reminder of how Americans and our government must better protect our secret information.
WikiLeaks claims the CIA has been involved in intensive hacking operations. EPA/Dennis Brack

WikiLeaks Vault 7 reveals staggering breadth of ‘CIA hacking’

WikiLeaks’ latest release details what it claims is the CIA’s hacking activities, including compromising phones, TVs, cars and becoming an NSA with less accountability.
Digital information should be private and secure. Digital communications via

Should cybersecurity be a human right?

Recent developments at the United Nations and the G-20 suggest that the well-known human rights to privacy and freedom of expression may soon be formally extended to online communications.

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