South African freedom struggle stalwart Andrew Mlangeni at the UN.
Although a commited veteran of the ANC, Mlangeni was no party apparatchik. He was outspoken against endemic corruption in government.
Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s freedom struggle icon and first black president, continues to be revered around the world.
Mandela left at the right time in 1999, when the country still seemed in a healthy state, after which he consolidated his international reputation.
The Shaik brothers Moe, Schabir and Chippy after Schabir was found guilty of fraud and corruption and sentenced to 15 years.
.Beeld/Gallo Images/Getty Images
Moe Shaik fancies himself as an analyst who can read people well. And yet, he has a rather large blind spot for his leaders – until they fall out with him.
Humour is sometimes used as a coping mechanism in tragic situations.
Getty Images
Jokes and satire can build resilience but also spread misinformation as people don’t always know what is trustworthy and what is just funny.
Everyone needs to be fired up with a rage aligned with the feminine principle of care rather than the masculine principle of control.
How two massive opposing forces - the shift towards a sustainable world and the force that thrives on inequality - are unfolding at a global level.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has to inspire confidence amid growing scepticism.
The challenge to deliver a persuasive speech comes firstly in the context of intense doubts as to whether President Ramaphosa is truly in charge of the ANC.
FW de Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa.
Getty Images
In his new capacity as President of South Africa, FW de Klerk directly experienced for the first time how the international community had abandoned its support for minority white rule.
Anti-corruption protesters march on Parliament in Cape Town in 2017.
shutterstock/Aqua Images
In South Africa, state corruption has taken hold with utter disregard for ethics and democratic norms in a cynical exploitation of the post-apartheid transformation agenda.
South African President Cyril Ramaphoa.
Ramaphosa is constrained by his tenuous control over South Africa’s governing party, the ANC.
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech failed to inspire confidence.
EFE-EPA/ANC handout
The year ahead promises to be a very difficult but also a very decisive year for South Africa. Is President Ramaphosa equal to the challenge?
Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa and the governing African National Congress.
EPA/Nic Bothma
The most that may be hoped for from the party’s annual statement is evidence of a president who is confident, clear and courageous.
Leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters Julius Malema (C) addresses the media after local elections in 2016.
EPA/Kim Ludbrook
Political mistrust is high as the country looks to the next municipal elections in 2021.
South Africa’s finance minister, Tito Mboweni, delivering his mid-term budget.
EFE-EPA/Nic Bothma
A major concern is that the government’s resolve is strongest on policies that are actually quite suspect.
South African Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivers the mid-term budget statement at parliament, Cape Town, South Africa, 24 October 2018.
EPA/Nic Bothma
President Cyril Ramaphosa and his Finance Minister Tito Mboweni appear to have good intentions for the economy. But that’s not enough.
President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria (left) arriving at Waterkloof Airforce Base Airport in Pretoria. He is welcomed by Minister Naledi Pandor.
Katlholo Maifadi/EPA/DIRCO
South Africa and Nigeria have had a turbulent relationship dating back to the early 1990s.
Each of South Africa’s former presidents treated the state broadcaster very differently. From left Jacob Zuma, Nelson Mandela, and Thabo Mbeki (2008).
Epa/Kim Ludbrook
The South African Broadcasting Corporation, like South Africa itself, is a symbol of contradictions. While there are bad people who work for it, there are also many good ones.
Firefighters outside a burning building after violence and looting against foreign nationals in Pretoria, South Africa in 2019.
EPA-EFE/Yeshiel Panchia
Faced with the same problem, South Africa is turning to the familiar toolkit to explain a recurrent problem.
Mcebisi Jonas appears at a commission probing grand corruption in South Africa.
Alon Skuy © Sunday Times.
This book is a booster to morale. It tells South Africans they can enjoy the impressive economic growth they once achieved.
South Africans seem to be fascinated with the way in which spying is entwined in the country’s politics.
South Africa’s Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng has had to intervene to protect judges from unfair criticism.
As a branch of government, the courts must naturally be accountable for the exercise of their power. The means of achieving their accountability must be balanced against their necessary independence.