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Artículos sobre Lie detectors

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Does your body give away if you’re lying or not? AP Photo/Edward Kitch

Is a polygraph a reliable lie detector?

It would be great to know for sure when someone is lying and when someone is telling the truth. But no technology that purports to do so is foolproof.
No, I did not get a manicure before coming here today. Polygraph Shutterstock

Lie detectors and the lying liars who use them

As society becomes more and more dependent on machines to make important decisions, the use of technology for lie detection is becoming increasingly popular. But as much as we would like to rely on technology…
You can’t tell if someone’s lying by listening to their voice and councils should know that by now. Florian Seroussi

Sounding like a liar doesn’t make you a benefits cheat

Councils are facing questions about their use of lie detectors in attempts to catch benefits cheats over the phone. The idea is to listen out for subtle changes in the voice that might indicate that someone…

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