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Artículos sobre Migrant workers

Mostrando 81 - 97 de 97 artículos

Members of the South Sudanese community in the ACT reported facing racism in the job seeking process. Author provided

A degree doesn’t count for South Sudanese job seekers

South Sudanese living in the ACT are facing racism when job seeking and can’t get employment in roles for which they have professional qualifications.
Australia’s agricultural sector stands to gain from recent Asian free trade deals, but where will it leave workers? Dan Peled/AAP

Free trade agreements driving labour market reform by stealth

The Coalition government has assured the Australian electorate it will not proceed with any major industrial relations reforms until it has secured a mandate to do so. But this has not stopped the government…
Nice stadiums, but who built all this? Doha Sam

Qatar has every reason to enforce new workers charter

Qatar has just introduced a “charter” to protect its migrant workers; will anyone notice the difference? Migrant workers represent around 88% of Qatar’s 1.9m residents, and the numbers are set to increase…

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