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Artículos sobre Paul McCartney

Mostrando 21 - 24 de 24 artículos

Sir Paul McCartney thinks it’s ridiculous (but flattering) that people formally study The Beatles. EPA/Robert Voss

Hey, Sir Paul! Studying popular music doesn’t actually kill it

Sir Paul McCartney has been making some waves. On New Year’s Eve, Kanye West released a new single, Only One, a collaboration with The Beatles great on keys. On Twitter, Kanye’s fans reacted, wanting to…
I bet that you look good on your tax forms… Yui Mok/PA

Don’t knock Arctic Monkeys – most of us are tax avoiders

Arctic Monkeys became members of a club they would probably have rather avoided recently. Joining the likes of Take That, Jimmy Carr and Anne Robinson, they became the latest celebrities to be vilified…

Music is becoming a multimedia experience

Paul McCartney has released five of his classic post-Beatles albums as tablet apps. Band on the Run, RAM, McCartney, McCartney 2, and Wings Over America contain interviews, video footage, artwork and photos…

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