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Artículos sobre Pensioners

Mostrando 21 - 32 de 32 artículos

For every $1000 of assets the pension will be reduced by $3 a fortnight, under changes proposed in the federal budget. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Missed opportunities on coherent pension policy reform

The government has dropped plans to index age pensions to CPI and opted instead to tighten income and assets test. These are welcome changes but more needs to be done.
Joe Hockey is betting this budget is inoffensive. Lukas Coch/AAP

INFOGRAPHIC: The budget winners and losers

Small business and families top the list of winners, while tax avoiders and rich retirees stand to lose.
As expected, part-pensioners will be most affected by budget changes. AAP Image/Melanie Foster

Budget brief: will I lose my age pension?

Part-pensioner couples who own their own home and assets worth more than about A$800,000 are expected to lose their part-pension altogether, under proposals in the federal budget.

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