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Artículos sobre Persistence

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The fresh flavors taste good now – a here-and-now reward that’s more motivating than potentially avoiding health problems in the future. kajakiki/E+ via Getty Images

Focus on right now, not the distant future, to stay motivated and on track to your long-term health goals

Long-term goals can be hard to stick to if the benefits are only way off in the future. Research suggests ways to focus on the here and now to help you ultimately achieve your more far-off targets.
Minority STEM majors are more likely than their white peers to switch fields. andresr/E+ via Getty Images

4 ways to help STEM majors stay the course

Colleges don’t have to sit by and watch STEM majors leave for other fields. Two Ph.D. biology students share tips for encouraging students to stick with STEM despite the difficulty involved.
In addition to being fun, video games can build real-world skills. Carol Yepes/Moment via Getty images

Is gaming good for kids?

Research shows multiple social and cognitive benefits of playing video games.

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