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Artículos sobre Police brutality

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 119 artículos

According to experts, specialist police stations (such as women’s police stations) will need to be appropriately staffed by Indigenous and non-Indigenous officers trained to work from both gender and culturally sensitive perspectives. Dean Lewins/AAP

Women’s police stations in Australia: would they work for ‘all’ women?

Establishing specialist women’s police stations has been suggested as a solution to violence against women in Australia. However research does not cover racial and gender inclusion in this policing.
Leetona Dungay, the mother of the late David Dungay Jr, announces she will go to the United Nations to hold the federal and NSW Government to account for their failure to protect the right to life of David Dungay Jr. and for their failure to take action to stop First Nations deaths in custody. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Incarceration Nation exposes the racist foundations of policing and imprisonment in Australia, but at what cost?

Incarceration Nation has the potential to shake the very core of your understanding of what it means to be Blak on this continent.
A group of policemen in Marseille, France, pass in front of a bus shelter featuring a poster from the television series ‘Paris Police 1900’. (Shutterstock)

Cop shows: Should they be cancelled or rebooted?

The classic cop show is now a problematic genre, but if it can change, then perhaps real world policing can too.
Seattle police officers deploy pepper spray as they clash with protesters in Seattle, Washington, on July 25, 2020. Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images

Racial groups suffer disparate consequences after unfair police treatment – but not the groups you might think

New research confirms that unfair police treatment is psychologically damaging and that the consequences are decidedly worse for certain racial and ethnic groups.
Police in riot gear line up against protesters during clashes in Kenosha, Wis., in August 2020 following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, two days earlier. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Defund the police? Instead, end toxic masculinity and ‘warrior cops’

We need to clarify the role of the police, to promote a more justice-oriented style of police leadership and to put in place long-term mechanisms of accountability to support and sustain change.
Ugandan soldiers shoot at demonstrators during riots in Kampala sparked by the arrest of opposition leader Kizza Besigye in 2011. Marc Hofer/AFP via Getty Images

The roots of pre-election carnage by Uganda security forces

Uganda must overhaul its national legal framework on the use of force and firearms during law enforcement.
Once domestic violence victims call police, they sometimes regret they did and feel retraumatized by investigators. (Pixabay)

Why domestic violence victims often feel retraumatized by police

On Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, it’s time to challenge the revictimization of victims of domestic violence by aggressive police action.

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