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Artículos sobre Racism

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On March 18 2022, demonstrators outside Stoke Newington police station protest the treatment of Child Q, who was strip searched at her school. Vuk Valcic / Alamy Stock Photo

Young Black people are disproportionately likely to be strip-searched – one of many ways the justice system treats them as a threat

Young Black people are over-represented through the whole justice system, from their interactions with the police to their presence in prisons.
Riot police in front of a crowd at a ‘Save our children’ protest in Liverpool. Luke Hall / Alamy Stock Photo

The hypocrisy at the heart of racist riots

People are socially conditioned to think such heinous acts are committed by outsiders.
Demonstrators protest the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014. Joshua Lott/AFP/Getty Images

From Michael Brown to Sonya Massey, a decade of police antiblack violence causes grief, worry and coping for Black parents

With every new incident of racial violence, Black people tend to undergo a collective sense of racial grief.
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks to supporters during a campaign rally in West Allis, Wis., on July 23, 2024. Jim Vondruska/Getty Images

Kamala Harris’ identity as a biracial woman is either a strength or a weakness, depending on whom you ask

While many voters embrace Kamala Harris’ candidacy and the fact that she is a multiracial woman without any biological children, some Republicans are using her identity as fodder for attacks.
Discrimination in the form of microaggressions, slights and overt racism take a toll on the body, including neural activity in the brain. LeoPatrizi/E+ via Getty Images

Racism and discrimination lead to faster aging through brain network changes, new study finds

Black women who are more frequently exposed to racism showed stronger connections in areas of the brain involved in rumination and heightened vigilance, both of which lead to faster biological aging.
Nicholas Marcus Thompson, right, executive director of the Black Class Action Secretariat, and Bernadeth Betchi, a CHRC employee and representative plaintiff, participate in a news conference on the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions’ special review of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, June 10, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

International review of the Canadian Human Rights Commission can provide limited gains for anti-racism advocacy

Publicizing an international review of the Commission is helping civil society advocate for reforms to combat racism, but the outcome of the review is set to maintain the status quo.

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