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Artículos sobre Scramble for Africa

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French Air Force soldiers work on a Boeing C135 parked on the French Air Force base in Niamey, Niger in December, 2017.

Why foreign countries are scrambling to set up bases in Africa

The Horn of Africa is the epicentre of foreign military activity. Foreign troops have been deployed to support peace initiatives, subdue terror groups and support foreign security initiatives.
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attends the opening of the new Turkish embassy in Mogadishu in June 2016. MOHAMED Abdiwahab/AFP via Getty Images

Turkey in Africa: what a small but growing interest portends

Turkey harbours strong national ambitions, and a willingness to grow and use its military muscle alongside economic instruments.
Mining is a highly destructive endeavour towards our environment but demand for gems and minerals is non-stop; early colonial relationships continue to define these industries. Shutterstock

Earth Day: Colonialism’s role in the overexploitation of natural resources

Much of the devastation of our globe’s natural resources traces its origins to early colonialism. These relationships continue to define the extraction of resources that severely impact ecosystems.
Data should be open, shareable - but not at the expense of African researchers and communities. Shutterstock

Africa must keep its rich, valuable data safe from exploitation

A focus on collaboration among African universities and research institutions is crucial in developing national policies that meet the principles of open data while keeping it safe from exploitation.

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