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Artículos sobre Telstra

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 41 artículos

Telstra’s new digital advertising payphones can be found at Melbourne’s Bourke Street Mall. In this photo, the older centre booth sits between two of Telstra’s larger high-tech booths. City of Melbourne

Telstra’s new high-tech payphones are meeting resistance from councils, but why?

The new payphones have Wi-Fi, mobile charging and transport information. But city councils are concerned they’re digital billboards for Telstra, which could cost billions in lost productivity.
Once it’s up and running, the main change for 5G users will be increased speed and reduced delay. Robin Worrall/Unsplash

What is a mobile network, anyway? This is 5G, boiled down

5G is similar to existing mobile networks, but with key differences in hardware and software. And we still need to work out who will build this infrastructure in Australia.
The NBN is on the path to being privatised after construction finishes. AAP

What should be done with the NBN in the long run?

The NBN is on track to be privatised after the infrastructure is completed, but there are a number of other options that would retain the benefits of its disruption of the telecommunications market.

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