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Artículos sobre Visa applications

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Home Affairs hasn’t made it clear what measures of oversight and surveillance will be applied to private corporations. AAP Image/Dan Peled

The government wants to privatise visa processing. Who will be held accountable when something goes wrong?

When visa services are run in the interests of profit rather than border governance, corrupt tactics can be used to benefit the providers’ bottom line.
Federal government plans to axe several types of family visas could mean that for some, being able to reunite their families in Australia could become a thing of the past. Clark Fred/Wikimedia Commons

Senate set to decide if family visas will go only to the rich

This afternoon, the Australian Senate will be asked to vote on a Greens disallowance motion, which seeks to stop the Abbott government repealing several types of family visas. These include: the Parent…
David Cameron puts families first. As long as they’ve got money in the bank. MIgrants' rights network

Family-first’ government tears couples apart with visa rules

David Cameron has pledged to put families at the heart of his government with a focus on policies that help those most in need. But his rhetoric is rank hypocrisy. While the prime minister claims to put…

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