Social isolation in old age is a significant social concern. It is linked to a range of health problems and, in extreme cases, it can lead to people growing old and dying alone.
When adult children abuse their parents, feelings of parental love and responsibility coupled with shame and guilt often stop the parent from seeking help and protecting themselves.
Who will be responsible for putting the right policies and services in place to ensure we reap the benefits of healthy ageing and minimise the negatives?
Ageing is taboo in the world of the rich and the famous and it is represented as something terrible. Since when did looking old become something to laugh at?
Some scientists claim a pill that would have us living healthier lives for longer is less than a generation away. But many philosophers argue extended life may not be as good as it sounds.
The reluctance by many to accept or even debate the intersection between old age and disability highlights how society struggles to construct differences in ability.
The most recent Australian suicide statistics from 2013 show that, out of the whole population, men aged 85 years and over have the highest suicide rates. While the attention these figures have garnered…