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Articles on Border control

Displaying 21 - 40 of 40 articles

Texas National Guard soldiers aid stranded residents in Hurricane Harvey’s floodwaters in 2017. Reuters/Texas Military Department

Remind us: What exactly is the National Guard?

President Trump proposes to send the National Guard to protect the southern US border. Instead of searching for your old civics textbook, here’s a pocket history of the soldiers in the spotlight.
Asylum seekers at the Manus Regional Processing Centre in Papa New Guinea, one of Australia’s two offshore immigration detention facilities. AAP Image/Eoin Blackwell

European leaders taking cues from Australia on asylum seeker policies

Across Europe anti immigration political leaders are turning to Australia for inspiration on how to reduce the number of people seeking asylum in their countries.
Donald Trump met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. REUTERS/Henry Romero

Immigration: Five essential reads

Donald Trump gave a major speech on immigration this week. This roundup looks at some of his ideas for reform and explains what the experts have to say about this complex issue.
A refugee displays an image of one of his three children who drowned when the boat on which the family fled the war in Syria sank in the Mediterranean. EPA/Pete Muller

Something vital is missing from EU’s 10-point plan to stop deaths at sea

Political leaders have a ready culprit in people smugglers for drownings at sea. The problem is that this ignores responsibility for eliminating all other options for these people to avoid harm.
Michael Pezzullo is spearheading far-reaching changes in doctrine and organisation of Australian immigration and border security. AAP/Stefan Postles

Tracing the far-reaching changes in immigration and border protection

The Australian government is in the throes of a major recasting of traditional immigration and border security doctrines and institutions. The changes are being led by the incoming secretary of the newly…

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