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Articles sur Batteries

Affichage de 121 à 139 de 139 articles

Well, maybe it’s not quite this electrifying, but the prototype is pretty cool. Florian F. (Flowtography)/Flickr

Flat battery? New prototype turns waste heat into electricity

Picture a device that can produce electricity using nothing but the ambient heat around it. Thanks to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science today, this scenario is a…
Battery costs can make up a quarter of the cost of an electric car such as this Tesla Model S. Shal Farley/Flickr

Affordable batteries for green energy are closer than we think

At the heart of the current debate around energy is the question of storage. In cars, how to build batteries that run for hundreds of kilometres; in electricity, storing energy from solar panels for when…

Waste battery heat converted to electricity

New technology allows researchers to capture low temperature (below 100C) waste energy from batteries. Researchers at Stanford…
Samsung chief JK Shin unveils the Gear Fit. samsungtomorrow/Flickr

Power up! Samsung Galaxy S5’s battery boost … and more

Less than a year after the launch of the Galaxy S4 smartphone – and the battery issues that came with it – the Samsung Galaxy S5 was one of a host of offerings the electronics giant presented to the…

A folded portable power

By folding a paper-based Li-ion battery, Arizona State University scientists have proven that you can increase the areal…
Electrifying stuff: your clothes could power your gadgets - and soon. Stephen Poff

Smarty pants: wearable electronics will recharge your life

Imagine having a wafer-thin touchscreen on your sleeve which, like a scene out of a Philip K. Dick novel, gives you all the functionality of a smartphone without the awkwardness of a cumbersome battery…

Call to arms to capture energy

Storing electricity to use later is critically important to the energy sector and in reducing carbon emissions. In the US…
Australia’s hydro energy storage systems are getting long in the tooth: maybe it’s time to look at liquid air. Michael Mazengarb

The missing link: why Australia needs energy storage

In visiting Australia regularly for the last two decades I have never quite understood why greater value is not placed on the nation’s latent solar and nuclear energy assets. Perhaps it is because Australia…
Prime minister Julia Gillard takes an electricity pricing reform package to COAG this week - but could the answer be in addressing congestion pricing for the network? AAP

Congestion power pricing might provide an answer to network gold plating

Electricity network pricing has been a hot topic in the last six months. The key issues have been regulation and demand side management. On regulation, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is taking a package…
New research has uncovered significant environmental benefits in converting to a water-based battery. oakridgelabnews/Flickr

Water-based battery a step up for renewable energy

Energy storage will be critically important as we work towards sustainable living. Developing cost-effective ways to store large amounts of electricity from wind turbines and solar farms will be essential…
Battery research is improving renewable energy’s ability to provide power around the clock. Argonne National Laboratory

Explainer: storing renewable energy

Storage is one of the highest technological barriers to the spread of renewable energy. When the sun is shining, the tide turning or the wind howling, how do we collect that energy and keep it to use when…

Batteries get the MRI treatment

Batteries could become lighter, safer and more versatile by examining their insides with new MRI techniques, claim scientists…

Long-lasting lithium-ion batteries.

Extending the life of lithium-ion batteries tenfold may now be possible thanks to researchers at Northwestern University…

Sulphur improves battery capacity

A battery that uses sulphur-coated nanofibers could improve storage capacity. Sulphur-coated hollow carbon nanofibers and…

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