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Articles sur Cash rate

Affichage de 41 à 52 de 52 articles

The current policy of low interest rates should end within the next six months, says the RBA Shadow Board. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Interest rates should fall no further: RBA Shadow Board

Last month’s cash rate cut should not be repeated, say the majority of Reserve Bank Shadow Board members.
Uncertainty around Greece defaulting on debt repayments continues to dominate the global outlook. AAP/EPA/Aexandros Vlachos

Financial markets expect a cut, but RBA Shadow Board says hold

Financial markets have factored in a cut to Australia’s cash rate, but economists - including the CAMA Shadow Board - aren’t so sure.
The Shadow RBA Board recommends what the RBA should do, not predicts what it will do. Image sourced from

The RBA cut rates, we said it shouldn’t. Here’s why.

I am a member of the “Shadow” RBA Board, which is made up of a collection of industry and academic economists. Just before every meeting of the real-world RBA Board, we announce our recommendations for…
The picture of Australia’s economy right now is murky. PSJeremy/Flickr

Economic outlook in Australia remains murky

The CAMA RBA Shadow Board is a project by the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, based at the ANU, which asks industry and academic economists what interest rate the Reserve Bank of Australia should…
Australia’s economy is showing promising signs, with global events the main source of concern. AAP

Promise on the horizon for Australian economy

The Australian economy appears to be benefiting from the current expansionary stance in monetary policy, despite uncertainties in the global economy. The CAMA Shadow Board is 71% confident that the cash…
A blunt instrument: the case for interest rates to rise is strengthened by rising unemployment and a persistently high Australian dollar which has defied previous cuts. AAP

Rate cut unlikely, but the forward path for interest rates will be up

The Shadow Reserve Board, an initiative of the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) made up of eminent industry and academic economists, returns this month. Reserve Bank of Australia board…
The UK’s LIBOR system was designed to be transparent but difficult to game: so what happened? AAP

Watching the dominos fall in the LIBOR crisis

Imagine if we discovered that the monthly setting of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate was rigged. There would quite rightly be outrage. We trust the RBA Board to make these calls, month after…
A cut in Australia’s cash rate tomorrow has been factored in by most economic practitioners, but Shadow Board academics are split over whether it should. AAP

Academics v practitioners: split views within the Shadow Board

Many economists think the RBA Board will cut the cash rate this month. With commodity prices projected to be weakening, financial markets suggest a rate cut is likely. Mind you, many practitioners suggested…
The reserve bank should hold the cash rate steady tomorrow – but CAMA’s Shadow board members see greater uncertainty long term. AAP

RBA should hold rates, but longer term uncertain

_The Conversation, in conjunction with the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), presents the monthly findings of the Shadow Board, prior to the meeting of the Reserve Bank of Australia Board…

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