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Articles sur Climate change

Affichage de 6881 à 6900 de 6940 articles

CSIRO scientist Dr Paul Fraser examining air stored in the Cape Grim Air Archive. Anyone can now explore online the record levels of greenhouse gases measured in the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere since 1976. North Sullivan Photography

New CSIRO website shows steady rise of greenhouse gases

A new website launched today allows the public to see how greenhouse gas emissions have risen steadily over the past 35 years. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) launched…

Will farmers keep up with global change?

Throughout history, farmers have adopted new crop varieties and adjusted their practices in tune with environmental change…
Humans contribute energy to the global system at the rate of 15 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs a minute.

Our effect on the earth is real: how we’re geo-engineering the planet

CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: Director of the Melbourne Energy Institute and Professor of Geology Mike Sandiford explores the staggering ways we influence the shape of the globe. Aren’t we too puny to…
Sound the alarm. It’s a scientist’s job to alert the public to the threats of climate change. AAP

Speaking science to climate policy

CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: CSIRO’s James Risbey explains why it’s not “alarmist” to describe the threat of climate change to the public and how the climate system will respond to half measures. With…
An oil extraction project in Canada – a country absent from the Productivity Commission’s carbon report. AAP

An emissions reduction policy beyond comparison?

One of the most basic questions to ask in any analysis of Australia’s carbon policy has always been: what is the rest of the world doing? Last week, the Productivity Commission (PC) published a partial…
The decade ending 2010 was the warmest on record for Australia. AAP

The greenhouse effect is real: here’s why

CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: Bureau of Meteorology scientist Karl Braganza explains why we know the climate is changing, and what’s causing it. In public discussions of climate change, the full range…
It’s undeniable: our planet is changing. NASA

Climate change is real: an open letter from the scientific community

Today, The Conversation launches a two-week series from the nation’s top minds on the science behind climate change and the efforts of “sceptics” to cloud the debate. The overwhelming scientific evidence…
The tone of public debate sets the stage for threats to scientists. AAP

Climate scientists the target in culture war

The death threats received by Australian climate scientists such as Will Steffen, Andy Pitman and David Karoly haven’t come out of the blue. They are an extension of the vicious attacks on climate science…
Debate around climate science and proposed policy responses should be open and constructive, universities have said. AAP

Threats may chill climate research in long run

Death threats against climate scientists may make researchers reluctant to engage in public debate or even turn research students off the study of climate change altogether, the head of the government…

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