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Articles sur Fake news

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 351 articles

Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets US President Donald Trump at the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly. Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive/PA Images

Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and the dangers of excessive positivity

‘Prozac leaders’ believe their own rhetoric that “everything is going well”. But this wishful thinking can quickly contaminate organisations, and has been disastrous during the pandemic.

The Conversation Africa is on WhatsApp

The Conversation Africa runs a WhatsApp service that sends to subscribers selected articles from our site. To subscribe to the service, save the number in your contacts and send us the word “subscribe…
Joe Biden faces a disinformation campaign promulgating the false notion that he is in cognitive decline. Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Faked videos shore up false beliefs about Biden’s mental health

It’s easy to edit video of public figures to make them appear asleep, confused, drunk or cognitively impaired when they are not. The technique is being used to undermine Joe Biden’s campaign.
Scott Barbour/AAP

Coronavirus misinformation is a global issue, but which myth you fall for likely depends on where you live

When it comes to COVID-19 misinformation, not all nations are the same. Some are peddling a larger variety of myths than others - and each seems to have its own personal favourite.
Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates has been one of the targets of misinformation during the pandemic and was falsely accused of helping spread the COVID-19 virus to sell a vaccine. (Reaching the Last Mile Forum via AP Images)

5 ways to help stop the ‘infodemic,’ the increasing misinformation about coronavirus

The World Health Organization says the abundance of misinformation swirling around COVID-19 is as dangerous as the virus itself. There are ways to fight this, however.

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