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Articles sur India

Affichage de 461 à 480 de 1037 articles

An Indian child wears a mask of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a campaign rally on April 7, 2019. India is entering its latest round of polling on May 6. Diptendu Dutta/AFP

Debate: Why the Indian elections are more about Narendra Modi than anything else

India’s elections are not about policy issues. Instead, they have zeroed in on the leadership of Narendra Modi and, through him, the legitimacy of Hinduness as India’s new dominant ideology.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) waves from the stage during a traders national convention in New Delhi on April 19, 2019. Money SHARMA / AFP

India: a businessman’s dream, a citizen’s nightmare

As the rich get richer in India, many voters seem willing to overlook their everyday struggles, hoping that the trickle-down effect of a “business friendly” government will help the overall economy.
Indian general elections begin April 11. vepar5/shutterstock

India election 2019: millions of Indian youth are underemployed and going to the polls

India election 2019: millions of Indian youth are underemployed and going to the polls The Conversation, CC BY64,4 Mo (download)
The world's largest democracy will see its biggest young voter turnout since gaining independence 72 years ago, with millions delivering their verdict on Narendra Modi's BJP government.

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