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Articles sur New South Wales

Affichage de 41 à 60 de 127 articles

One in four of nearly 800 animals genetically tested were pure dingo. Michelle J Photography

Dingoes found in New South Wales, but we’re killing them as ‘wild dogs’

There is a myth that dingoes are extinct and wild dogs are all that remain in Australia. Our results show dingoes in New South Wales persist despite some mixing with domestic dogs.
Antarctic winds have a huge effect on weather in other places. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Flickr

The air above Antarctica is suddenly getting warmer – here’s what it means for Australia

Each spring, winds circling the South Pole weaken. If they weaken enough, they can actually reverse – causing rapid warming.
The recall of several milk brands due to the possible presence of E. Coli is the second milk recall to affect Victoria and New South Wales this month. From

E. coli in milk won’t necessarily make you sick – but it signals risks from other bacteria

When several milk brands were recalled last week due to the presence of E. coli, people were concerned. But the recall is a sign that dairy surveillance systems are working as they should be.
A favourite argument of coal proponents is the idea that if their mine is knocked back, someone else will simply dig up coal elsewhere. Mister Mackenzie/Wikimedia Commons

Landmark Rocky Hill ruling could pave the way for more courts to choose climate over coal

A NSW court’s decision to rule out a coalmine on the basis of climate change could signal a turning of the tide in an arena where environmental litigants have previously struggled to gain traction.
Farmers need help to plan for droughts, not just to respond to them when things get desperate. Stephenallen75/

To help drought-affected farmers, we need to support them in good times as well as bad

The government has offered emergency payments to drought-stricken farmers. But if we really care about them, we’ll also invest in long-term drought resilience measures to reduce impacts.
Victoria has led the way in upgrading intercity rail services with medium-speed VLocity trains that have a cruising speed of 160km/h. Joe Castro/AAP

Let’s get moving with the affordable medium-speed alternatives to the old dream of high-speed rail

High-speed rail for Australia has been on the drawing boards since the mid-1980s but has come to nothing. Three states are developing medium-speed rail with federal funding, but NSW is missing out.

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