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Peacebuilding – Analyses

Tribalism often leads to diversion of funds meant for development in Africa. Photo by John Wessels/AFP via Getty Images

Ethnic poverty: dividing and excluding people keeps them poor

Although there is strength in diversity, members of ethnic groups in power distributing resources to members of their ethnic group at the expense of national growth entrench poverty in Africa.
South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir (right) and his deputy Riek Machar shake hands in Addis Ababa to signify a peace deal in September, 2018. AFP via Getty Images

Kiir and Machar: insights into South Sudan’s strongmen

Kiir and Machar have been pivotal figures in most of South Sudan’s short history as an independent nation.
Access to clean water is essential in preventing a number of infections. Riccardo Mayer/shutterstock

Community dialogue can show the way to meeting water needs: a South African case

Evidence suggests that involving marginalised communities in setting priorities and designing collective action can lead to improved health outcomes.