This month, an image of an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier raising the rainbow flag in Gaza went viral. But the photo obscures nuance, context and history.
When people find themselves displaced from their homes, finding or creating beauty can be just as vital as food, water and shelter − and serves as a form of resistance and resilience.
Calls for a cease-fire in Gaza are driven by humanitarian compassion and principles. But cease-fires are also technically complicated military and political ventures.
An expert on the laws of war argues that the burden is now on Israel to show that the heavy death toll in Gaza is proportionate to the military advantage gained.
It’s often the most vulnerable who suffer most in war. That remains true, with children making up around 40% of the casualties in the Israel-Hamas conflict. It’s devastating, now and into the future.
While Iran is wary of entering into direct war with Israel, Tehran has been lending support to Yemen’s Houthis, Irak’s Shia militias as well as the Lebanese Hezbollah.
Kristen Choi, University of California, Los Angeles
Children have constant access to media coverage of armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, mass shootings and other brutal acts. This makes it tough for them to develop a sense of hope for the future.
A historian whose family was taken hostage by Hamas, and a geographer with family in the West Bank, get together to discuss a way forward in the Middle East.
Ad-hoc crowdsourcing efforts amid the Ukraine war, initially intended as stop-gap measures to support an underfunded Ukrainian military, have since coalesced into major global fundraising campaigns.
The joint Women Wage Peace-Women of the Sun initiative unites Israeli and Palestinian women calling for peace. The international community should elevate their voices.
Israel’s intelligence capacities are considered some of the best in the world – but unlike the US, it does not have a central organization coordinating all intelligence.
An expert on civil conflicts explains why the international community has so far failed to create peace in Sudan, and what new opportunities lie ahead.
The bloody ground attacks by Hamas in Israel caused the biggest shock. But the unprecedented scale of rocketry and successful use of armed drones contributed to the surprise.
Maitre de conférences en sciences de la communication, Chercheur au PREFICS (Plurilinguismes, Représentations, Expressions Francophones, Information, Communication, Sociolinguistique), Université Rennes 2