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Articles on Weight loss

Displaying 221 - 240 of 284 articles

Cutting your kilojoule intake by 2,000kJ a day will help you lose 5kg – a clothes size – in three months. Lindsay Széchényi/Flickr

Health Check: ten ways to save 2,000 kilojoules and drop a clothes size

Want to drop a dress or pants size? Then losing five kilograms, or about 5% of your body weight will help that zipper start to close with ease. In case you need another reason, keeping a small amount of…
Daily kilojoule requirements are based on many variables, and no two people are the same across all of these parameters. Sarah Horrigan/Flickr

Health Check: how to work out how much food you should eat

Dietary guidelines broadly recommend a daily intake of 10,000 kilojoules (2,400 calories) for men and 8,000 kilojoules (1,900 calories) for women. But what do these figures mean in the context of the number…
Being lean and unfit is worse than being fat and fit. Raúl González/Flickr

Does my BMI look big in this? And does it really matter?

This month, the toxic combination of extreme heat and summer holidays will probably mean that you’re going to expose more flesh than you would like to someone whose opinion you care about. January is the…
Takes time and effort. maradonna 8888

Why losing weight is hard – but not impossible

Seeing pictures of preened celebrities, or even slimmer friends, makes many wish that their arms were that little bit thinner or abs more tightly toned. Most of us have an existing desire to be a normal…
Used as a weight-loss or body-sculpting supplement, DNP can cause side effects when used in doses recommended by body-building websites. Ian Carroll/Flickr

‘Fat blaster’ drug can give you weight loss to die for

Losing weight is very hard, so it’s not surprising many people succumb to the allure of miracle weight-loss pills and potions available online. But they do so at their own peril, as today’s Emergency Medicine…
Eating less and exercising works for people who need to lose a little weight but not necessarily for people who’ve carried a lot of excess weight for a long time. Ed Yourdon/Flickr

How close are we to the fat-fighting drugs we need?

There will always be people extolling the virtues of eating less and moving more for weight loss. But while this may work for overweight people or the newly obese, it’s woefully inadequate for most people…
Find a healthy eating regime you can stick to. foshydog/Flickr

Health Check: what’s the best diet for weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, there are no magic tricks that guarantee success. What works for you is likely to be different to what works for your partner, neighbour or workmate. The best advice is to…
Bariatric surgery is the last-line option for weight loss. Chris J/FLickr

Explainer: the risks and benefits of bariatric surgery

You don’t need an expert to tell you obesity has become a major health problem worldwide. The World Health Organisation estimates 35% of the world’s adults are overweight and 11% obese, double the rate…
If we’re fit, does it matter what we weigh? Image from

Viewpoints: can you be healthy at any weight?

Australians are getting heavier and, as a result, are more likely to suffer life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes. But should we be worried about a bit of excess weight…

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