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Artikel-artikel mengenai #Aids40years

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The mortality rate of AIDS-related deaths remains high among adolescent girls and young women. Shutterstock

Here’s where efforts to end HIV in eastern and southern Africa must focus

The evidence shows that keeping girls in school not only reduces HIV risk, but also delays marriage and pregnancy, and improves mental health.
People relying on HIV prevention, care and treatment services have become even more vulnerable because of COVID-19. Foto24/Gallo Images/Getty Images

Why it’s important to keep diagnosing and treating HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic

If the world is single-minded and focuses purely on combating one pandemic, forgetting others, the effects of other morbidity and mortality on healthcare systems will be seen for a long time to come.
A healthcare worker in a protective suit is seen at a quarantine and isolation centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

How COVID-19 threatens efforts to contain HIV/AIDS in South Africa

The redirection of resources to COVID-19 has enormous consequences for the provision of healthcare services for other diseases, in particular, HIV programmes.

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