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Artikel-artikel mengenai Bill Shorten

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Bill Shorten took on some members of his party at Labor’s national conference on contentious policy issues – and won. AAP/David Crosling

National conference subdued about Labor revival as Shorten gets his way

The Labor Party’s future depends on its ability to steer its vision for a more progressive Australia through the twin obstacles of public suspicion and the still-powerful party oligarchies.
The ALP’s national conference, held in Melbourne over the weekend, was Bill Shorten’s first as Labor leader. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

ALP national conference: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the ALP national conference on matters of asylum seekers, health, education, party reform and more.
Labor leader Bill Shorten addresses delegates during the final day of the ALP national conference. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Labor conference leaves Shorten stronger

Bill Shorten has emerged from the ALP’s national conference looking more like an alternative prime minister than he did before.
‘I do believe in a new direction for Labor’s immigration policies’: Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Shorten reveals suite of asylum seeker measures

Bill Shorten has unveiled a package of measures to smooth the way for Labor’s national conference to accept his controversial turnback policy.
California has realised that investing in renewables is smart economic policy. Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons

50% renewable energy would put Australia in line with leading nations

Ramping up investment in renewable energy would put Australia on a footing with competitors such as China, Germany and California, which are set to reap the economic benefits of this emerging sector.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten faces a battle over boat turnbacks at the ALP national conference. Joe Castro/AAP

Shorten embraces the boat turnback policy he previously condemned

Bill Shorten has finally formally reversed his position on turning back boats, seeking to remove the one big difference between Labor and the government in their hardline stands on asylum seekers.
It’s unsurprising that Tony Abbott grabs onto any scrap of Labor’s planned emissions trading policy, but the crudity of the attack insults the public’s intelligence. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Our system is being consumed by the politics of demolition

Tony Abbott strode down the parliamentary press gallery corridor towards the welcome bank of cameras. A Labor options paper on carbon pricing had appeared in tabloids, under derogatory headlines.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten and Shadow Environment Minister Mark Butler say the ALP supports renewables but haven’t yet decided whether and how to price carbon. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

The latest turn in the twisty history of Labor’s climate policies

Labor says it hasn’t yet decided what climate policy to take to the next election, although this week’s leak has bolstered the idea that it will involve carbon pricing – a subject with a long and vexed history for the party.
Bill Shorten has emerged from the royal commission with wounds that are not mortal for his leadership but serious enough to set it back. AAP/David Moir

Grattan on Friday: Abbott’s lucky to have a damaged Shorten

Bill Shorten’s appearance at the royal commission has not only damaged him but diverted a good deal of attention from the signs of division and tension at senior levels of the Abbott government.

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