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Artikel-artikel mengenai Bill Shorten

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The goal of every public appearance or interview by a politician is to “stay on message”. In itself, it’s not a malign tactic but the constant repetition of the same messages without answering questions can be a form of obfuscation. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

The vomit principle, the dead bat, the freeze: how political spin doctors’ tactics aim to shape the news

Any good political spin doctor employs a range of overt and covert tactics to get their message across. Here are some of the most common ones.
Labor leader Bill Shorten has announced a policy based on a solid principle of fairness, but with a second-best model of delivering social housing. Julian Smith/AAP

Labor’s housing pledge is welcome, but direct investment in social housing would improve it

Labor has made a substantial commitment to tackling inequality in Australia, but has taken a second-best approach to overcoming the huge shortfall of social housing.
While their foreign policy approaches may seem very similar, there were some significant differences. AAP/Lukas Coch

Morrison and Shorten reveal their positions on key foreign policy questions

In one of the most difficult foreign policy environments since the end of the Vietnam War, the two leaders have revealed strong similarities but also key differences on our relationships abroad.
With education an election battleground, Shorten is linking a new initiative on early childhood learning to the opposition’s broader schools policy. Dave Hunt/AAP

A Shorten government would subsidise pre-school for three year olds

The policy would create “a quality, two year program that boosts development in the most important years of a child’s development – an investment of an additional $1.75 billion into early education.”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison appears to be enjoying a honeymoon period, with the Coalition up two points on two-party preferred in the latest Newspoll. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Poll wrap: Labor drops in Newspoll but still has large lead; NSW ReachTEL poll tied 50-50

The Coalition’s recent hit in the polls seems to be subsiding, while Kerryn Phelps may have made a damaging error by announcing she’ll preference the Liberals in the Wentworth byelection.

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