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Artikel-artikel mengenai Breathing

Menampilkan 21 - 28 dari 28 artikel

Large and small particulates in fire smoke can irritate the the thin lining of the respiratory tract, causing throat irritation, coughing and breathing difficulties. Erik Anderson/AAP

I’m struggling to breathe with all the bushfire smoke – could I have undiagnosed asthma?

Bushfire smoke is making it difficult for some people to breathe. Those with asthma are at particular risk, but not everyone with the condition has been diagnosed. Here’s what to look out for.
The everyday stressors of life can lead to worrisome thoughts. PR Image Factory

Why we are hard-wired to worry, and what we can do to calm down

Are you a worry wart? Not to worry. Turns out you were born that way, to some degree. Humans have a default mode in their brains that lead them to worry, but there are many ways to switch gears.
Hiccups might be a way to train breathing muscles and our hiccup reflex might actually come from our amphibian ancestors. Mami Kempe / The Conversation

Curious Kids: Why do people get the hiccups and how do you get rid of them?

Hiccups serve no clear purpose. Tadpoles have a hiccup reflex which helps keep their lungs safe while they transition. So our hiccup reflex might be from our amphibian ancestors.

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