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Artikel-artikel mengenai Bushfires

Menampilkan 341 - 360 dari 509 artikel

Without significant tree cover, dry and dusty landscapes can result. Don Driscoll

To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws

A new petition is urging state and federal governments to rein in Australia’s rampant land clearing, which worsens the risk of bushfires and threatens to undo the work of the Emissions Reduction Fund.
Victorian Governor Linda Dessau places a flower on a model of Victoria at a memorial service for the ten-year anniversary of the 2009 Victorian bushfires. David Crosling/AAP

What has Australia learned from Black Saturday?

The Black Saturday fires transformed the way Australia responds to bushfires.
A burnt out property near Miena, Tasmania. The central Tasmanian house was fitted with roof sprinklers and surrounded by cleared land but succumbed to flying embers from bushfires. AAP Image/Tasmania Fire Service

How a bushfire can destroy a home

If you’re preparing to defend your home from fire, be aware of the vulnerable parts of your house.
A firefighter in California. Firefighting is getting more and more expensive as fires get more destructive. PETER DASILVA

The bitter lesson of the Californian fires

The California fires are just the most recent in a series of major wildfires. Together, they suggest we need to look at alternative ways of living with fire.
The Bureau of Meteorology’s tropical cyclone outlook is out today. AAP Image/Bureau of Meteorology, Japan Meteorological Agency

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Cyclone season approacheth, but this year there’s a twist

Cyclone season approacheth, but this year there’s a twist The Conversation, CC BY31,4 MB (download)
Australia must come to terms with some fundamental shifts in our weather patterns. This month, Andrew Watkins from the BOM and climate scientist Joelle Gergis explore what's in store.

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