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Artikel-artikel mengenai Cement

Menampilkan 1 - 20 dari 23 artikel

Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash

Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking, new data shows. Humanity has a monumental task ahead

At current levels of emissions, there is a 50% chance the planet will reach the 1.5°C global average temperature rise in just nine years.
Bendable concrete created at the University of Michigan allows for thinner structures with less need for steel reinforcement. Joseph Xu/University of Michigan College of Engineering

Bendable concrete and other CO2-infused cement mixes could dramatically cut global emissions

Researchers are developing ways to lock captured CO2 into cement. It could help rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure and deal with climate change at the same time.
If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third-largest emitter of CO₂ in the world. Joe Mabel/Wikimedia

Green cement a step closer to being a game-changer for construction emissions

The cement needed to make concrete – the most widely used man-made material – is a major source of global emissions. Researchers are working on a green replacement that could transform the sector.
Could a secret ingredient make crumbling concrete a thing of the past? m_e_mccarron

Fungi can help concrete heal its own cracks

Adding a bit of fungus to the initial ingredient list might be one way to endow concrete with the ability to fill in any bits of damage that occur, without the need for human intervention.

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