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Artikel-artikel mengenai China

Menampilkan 101 - 120 dari 2610 artikel

Artist’s impression of a group of Gigantopithecus blacki in a forest in southern China. Garcia/Joannes-Boyau (Southern Cross University)

Giant ‘kings of apes’ once roamed southern China. We solved the mystery of their extinction

What happened to the three-metre tall apes that once lived alongside orangutans? A new study suggests they were too slow to adapt to a changing world.
A Chinese flag is illuminated by sunshine in the Hall of Honour on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Why domestic politics will prevent a thaw in China-Canada tensions in 2024

With a public inquiry into Chinese interference about to begin, China may feature prominently in the Canadian news cycle in 2024 — meaning a genuine thaw in Canada-China relations isn’t in the cards.
Daoism, which emphasizes harmony with nature, can inform individuals on their relationship with the environment. Ma Yuan 'Walking on Path in Spring.' National Palace Museum via Wikimedia Commons

What Taoism teaches about the body and being healthy

A scholar of Daoist rituals explains how the indigenous tradition of China understands the human body as being part of the larger cosmos.
A Lotus Sutra scroll praising the manifold mercies of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Universal Gateway chapter of the Lotus Sutra/Calligrapher: Sugawara Mitsushige/The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection

The Lotus Sutra − an ancient Buddhist scripture from the 3rd century − continues to have relevance today

For many Buddhists today, both in East Asia and across the world, the Lotus Sutra offers religious support for various gender identities.

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