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Artikel-artikel mengenai Citizenship

Menampilkan 181 - 200 dari 231 artikel

Most Australians are unlikely to be able to describe the doctrine of the separation of powers, but they’re quick to assert their liberties under the rubric of a ‘fair go’. AAP/Richard Milnes

Gillian Triggs: How the ‘fair go’ became the last bulwark for Australia’s freedoms

The government’s uncontested assessment of national interest and security often trumps the rule of domestic and international law, as well as Australia’s obligations under human rights treaties.
The government’s citizenship-stripping bill passed on the final parliamentary sitting day of 2015. AAP/Dan Peled

New laws make loss of citizenship a counter-terrorism tool

If we are content to sanction, disapprove and respond to sole nationals committing terror-related offences without revoking their citizenship, why is revocation necessary for dual nationals?
Yes, universities need to produce good scientists - but their graduates should be good citizens, too. Shutterstock

Why the time is right to create a new generation of ‘citizen scholars’

University protests in South Africa have showed that the countries students are hungry for real change. This desire can be harnessed to create a generation of “citizen scholars”.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Kuala Lumpur. EPA/Ahmad Yusni

Turnbull resists pressure to put Dutton on national security committee

Federal cabinet’s national security committee meets on Monday, as Malcolm Turnbull continues to resist pressure from the Liberal right to make Peter Dutton a permanent member of it.
The message that terrorism is exceptional and egregious will be compromised if the current citizenship revocation bill becomes law. AAP/Dan Peled

Bill relies on legal fiction of self-executing law to revoke citizenship

Multiple concerns have been raised about the citizenship-stripping bill’s inattention to human rights, its differential impact upon dual and sole nationals, and its potential application to persons who commit relatively minor crimes.
Karen Nettleton, whose daughter and grandchildren are currently in Syria, has a made a public plea for her family to be allowed to return to Australia. ABCTV

Even Khaled Sharrouf’s family has the right to come home

Whatever we think of the family of foreign fighter Khaled Sharrouf or their circumstances, they enjoy the right to return on the same footing as every other Australian citizen.
The government’s bill introduces three means for revoking a dual national’s Australian citizenship under amendments to the Australian Citizenship Act. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Who exactly makes the call on conduct that revokes citizenship? New bill doesn’t say

Should the bill be enacted in its current form, Australian citizenship will be able to be stripped from dual nationals by bureaucratic determination for conduct that is defined with reference to the criminal law.
Zaky Mallah’s inclusion on Q&A has received high criticism from members of the government. ABC

Mallah caught the ABC bus to Q&A

Zaky Mallah, the former terrorism suspect at the centre of the Q&A storm, travelled to the studio in a free bus the program puts on to take audience members from Sydney’s western suburbs
The determined avoidance of reference to human rights is a tactic, by both sides of politics, to avoid accountability. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Human rights don’t matter in our public debate – but they should

No-one is inclined to refer to human rights in public debate in Australia when its leaders either avoid the idea or attack it, and the news media are silent on it.
Bill Shorten is grappling simultaneously with two issues that have the potential to inflict serious damage on him and the opposition. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Government’s citizenship changes target members of listed terrorist organisations

When Bill Shorten was asked by the Royal Commission into union corruption to appear before it, he said he wouldn’t be commenting on allegations about his time as an Australian Workers Union official until he gave evidence.
Tony Abbott highlighted the importance of Indonesia knowing that the Australian government is ‘absolutely resolute’ on stopping the boats. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Abbott gives no ground to Indonesia in bribe allegation row

The government goes into the parliamentary session’s final fortnight on the back foot over two highly contentious issues: its citizenship legislation and Indonesia’s demand to know whether Australia paid…

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