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Artikel-artikel mengenai creative economy

Menampilkan 21 - 26 dari 26 artikel

DJ Nina Las Vegas of Triple J, a station taking risks that benefit others. AAP/City of Sydney

Triple J is a rare beast, an exemplar for economic policy

It’s a common refrain among the “dries” in any government that arts and cultural policy should set its course by the lights of economic policy, usually competition, growth and innovation policy. Sometimes…
The doubling and tripling of rents is not “hip”, it’s a problem. tayser82

High rents aren’t hip: the contradictions of the ‘creative city’

Recent reports have confirmed what many already know: the cost of housing in Australian cities is among the highest in the world. The growth rate in Australian property prices over the last 15 years is…
The right policy settings will drive Australia toward a creative economy that produces knowledge and information. Paul Gorbould

From manufacturing’s ashes a creative economy could rise

General Motors Holden’s decision to pull the pin on its Melbourne manufacturing plant spurred renewed debate around government-subsidised industry sectors. But instead of throwing money into a flailing…

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