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Artikel-artikel mengenai Curious Kids

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Yolks are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins packaged up by the female animal for an embryo. Emily Nunell/The Conversation CC-NY-BD

Curious Kids: why do eggs have a yolk?

A yolk allows a developing animal to stay in an egg longer, boosting its chance of survival. The downside is the mother has to work hard finding extra food so her body can create a nutritious yolk.
The sea is blue because of the way water absorbs light, the way particles in the water scatter light, and also because some of the blue light from the sky is reflected. Flickr/Fiona Paton

Curious Kids: is water blue or is it just reflecting off the sky?

Photons stream from the sun and interact with all matter on Earth. Depending on what the light touches, some of the photons will get absorbed or soaked up. And some will bounce back.
In the very beginning of the Roman calendar (more than 2000 years ago), there were only 10 months in the year. Jule Berlin/Shutterstock

Curious Kids: how did the months get their names?

December is named for the Roman word for “tenth”. So, why is it the twelfth month?
Tigers have whisker hairs even on their front legs and chin! thedigme/flickr

Curious Kids: why do tigers have whiskers?

Whiskers are not just ordinary hairs. They are thicker and go deeper into the tiger’s skin and send messages to its brain about what is happening in the world around it.
Do you think you could make an echo at Echo Point in Katoomba? Flickr/Amanda Slater

Curious Kids: what makes an echo?

When a sound is made, it spreads. And when it hits a hard surface that is far away, it bounces back and comes back to where the sound was made. That’s what we call an echo.
A headache is not from your brain itself hurting, but it might mean some of the muscles, membranes and tissues surrounding the brain or its blood supply system could be hurting. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: what is a headache? Is it our brain hurting?

The brain itself can’t actually feel pain. It can’t sense damage to itself the way your finger can. We know this because people can have brain surgery while they are totally awake.
These strawberries are almost ripe! fs999/flickr

Curious Kids: what happens when fruit gets ripe?

Fruit ripening is all about plants getting animals to eat the seeds that are inside their fruits. This helps the plants get their seeds to somewhere new where they can grow into a new plant.
Your brain is about 70% water. Shutterstock

Curious Kids: how much does a brain weigh?

An adult brain weighs about 1.5kg. It’s mostly water with some fat, protein, sugar and a dash of salt. Sounds like pancakes, I know, but I once tried chicken brains and, well, pancakes are tastier.
A few days after baby molluscs come out from tiny eggs, they start building their shell layer after layer. Emily Nunnell/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Curious Kids: how do shells get made?

Molluscs that have shells - like pipis, clams and oysters - have to build their own shell from scratch. And they keep building it their whole life, using chemicals from the sea and their own bodies.

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