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Artikel-artikel mengenai Currency

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 123 artikel

The change in the price of crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin, and other crypto-assets are due to investors realising the value. Chris Helgren/Reuters

Price hikes in Ether and Bitcoin aren’t the signs of a bubble

While the current speculation in crypto-currency and assets should make us pause, this is not a speculative driven bubble like tulips, or gold mining stocks.
Dancing with the Balinese dragon. AAP/Zul Edoardo

Don’t expect a rerun of the Asian Financial Crisis

Despite worries about a new Asian Financial Crisis, much has changed since the last one in 1997. Even if a crisis were to materialise, it would look quite different from that of two decades ago.
The Modi government is getting rid of RS500 and RS1,000 notes to try and combat the black market and corruption. STR/EPA

Business Briefing: Former chief World Bank economist on inequality and doing away with big money

Business Briefing: Former chief World Bank economist on inequality and doing away with big money The Conversation22,3 MB (download)
A former chief economist to the World Bank and economic adviser to the Indian government says doing away with big currency notes is a noble idea but an ineffective tool.

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