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Artikel-artikel mengenai Developmental psychology

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Computer training can decrease children’s biases. Jeff Inglis

How to combat racial bias: Start in childhood

Racial bias is associated with dehumanizing social groups different from your own. Psychologists trained kids to differentiate individuals of another race – with lasting effects on their biases.
It’s actually a big developmental milestone. BlurryMe/

Watching children learn how to lie

Psychologists observed young children in real time figuring out how not to tell the truth.
Culturally biased psychology research and the advice based on it ends up in textbooks. But it’s not appropriate for everyone. from

How parenting advice assumes you’re white and middle class

Most psychology research that forms the basis of parenting advice might not apply to you. So, how do you know whether to trust it?
Don’t underestimate what I get about the world around me. Baby image via

Children understand far more about other minds than long believed

A revolution in the tools and techniques developmental psychologists use to investigate kids’ knowledge and capabilities is rewriting what we know about how and when children understand their world.
Students of both genders carry around stereotypes about school achievement. Children image via

Stereotypes can hold boys back in school, too

Recent research raised concerns about girls’ stereotypes on their gender’s lack of ‘brilliance.’ But an overlooked finding suggests boys also hold hindering stereotypes about themselves in school.
Bonobo Jasongo at Leipzig Zoo has a hunch about what you’re thinking. MPI-EVA

Can great apes read your mind?

Realizing that others’ minds hold different thoughts, feelings and knowledge than your own was thought to be something only people could do. But evidence is accumulating that apes, too, have ‘theory of mind.’
We jump to conclusions that there must be a reason one’s a ‘have’ and one’s a ‘have-not.’ Benjamin Disinger

Life’s not fair! So why do we assume it is?

It’s human nature to assume there must be a valid reason for inequalities in society. What’s the psychology behind why we believe there’s something fundamentally different between haves and have-nots?
Spoiler alert: the Easter Bunny isn’t real. So how does it affect children when they find out their parents have been lying to them for years? Cordey/Flickr

The Easter Bunny tale: fun fiction or harmful myth?

All around the world many parents are preparing for Easter – possibly thinking of how Easter eggs will be hidden, how they will explain their delivery and perhaps bracing themselves for some challenging…

Changing the way we understand waiting

Researchers have challenged the current understand of the psychological processes behind waiting. They analysed data from…

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