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Artikel-artikel mengenai Espionage

Menampilkan 81 - 87 dari 87 artikel

An F-35A Joint Strike Fighter on a night mission in the US. Flickr/Lockheed Martin

Hacking the secrets of Australia’s Joint Strike Fighter

Design details of Australia’s new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) have been stolen by Chinese spies, according to reports this week, although it’s not clear whether the information was highly classified…
Oh hey, just picking up a few Kanelbulle on the way home. Victor Ochieng

Why would a Russian submarine be lurking in waters off Sweden?

Rumours of a Russian submarine hanging around off the coast of Sweden have inspired much Cold War nostalgia. But while there is of course the chance that something fishy is going on, there are many plausible…
The stoush between China and the US over spying is becoming toxic. Shutterstock

Cyber espionage and the new Cold War of US-China relations

The members of China’s military charged over cyber espionage by the US will never see American justice, but the case does break new ground in a fractious US-China relationship increasingly characterised…
Sartre, Hoover and Camus. Wikimedia Commons

The US vs Sartre: what the hell is Existentialism anyway?

On 7 February 1946 we find J Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, writing a letter to “Special Agent in Charge” at the New York field office, to draw his attention to one ALBERT CANUS, who is “reportedly…
‘Why don’t you borrow my cell, Angela, it’s secure…’ Cyrus Farivar

Merkelphone scandal shocks Europe but spies are unmoved

Revelations about the extent of the American National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) global communications surveillance have raised considerable media and political attention. The fact that the NSA not only…
Public interest: many Americans feel that Edward Snowden acted on their behalf. Michael Fleshman via Creative Commons

Patriot games: the odds are stacked against whistleblower Snowden

The debate about whether Edward Snowden is a public interest whistleblower - the “Paul Revere” of the digital age, as his father and lawyer have dubbed him, or a “traitor”, as former vice-president Dick…

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