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Artikel-artikel mengenai Espionage

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 87 artikel

Former trade minister Andrew Robb walked from parliament into a high-paying post with a Chinese company. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Chinese influence compromises the integrity of our politics

This week’s ABC Four Corners/Fairfax expose of Chinese activities in Australia is alarming not just for its revelations about a multi-fronted pattern of influence-seeking but also for what it says about…
Is everything on the up-and-up here? Rick Wilking/Reuters

How vulnerable to hacking is the US election cyber infrastructure?

With the DNC email leak and Trump calling on Russia to hack Clinton’s emails, concern about foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election process is rising. Is e-voting the next cyber battleground?
Cyberwarfare is a threat that is anonymous, hard to trace and hard to defend against. Keyboard image via

Cyberwar is here to stay

The openness of the Internet gives an advantage to attackers – but what constitutes an act of war in the electronic world?

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