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Artikel-artikel mengenai FBI

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Civil rights activist Dorothy Cotton teaches a student in one of her Citizenship Education Program classes. Bob Fitch Photography Archive, Department of Special Collections, © Stanford University Libraries

The civil rights activist so close to Martin Luther King Jr. she was thought of as his ‘other wife’

Dorothy Cotton never publicly spoke about her intimate relationship with King. But no woman – not even King’s wife – was closer to the civil rights icon during the last years of his life.
On Aug. 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., addresses marchers during his “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. AP/File

J. Edgar Hoover’s revenge: Information the FBI once hoped could destroy Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has been declassified

Publication was justified of information from the FBI that Martin Luther King Jr. witnessed and celebrated a woman’s rape, writes a historian, who warns the FBI had long wanted to destroy King.
Clockwise from top left, Georgetown University, Stanford University, Yale University, and University of California, Los Angeles. AP

Why meritocracy is a myth in college admissions

Even if wealthy parents don’t resort to the kind of illegal tactics in the recent college cheating scandal revealed by the FBI, the college admission process still favors the rich, scholars argue.
Chicago is often invoked in political debates on crime. Scott Cornell/

Why the US needs better crime reporting statistics

What’s really the most dangerous American city? The way crimes are currently counted in the US can easily confuse and mislead.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation seal. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

FBI brought down foreign agents in the past

An American pilot. A German aide on Capitol Hill. In the first and second world wars, the FBI effectively uprooted foreign influence campaigns. Today, the agency faces an uphill battle.

Waco: the siege 25 years on

25 years ago, the Waco siege became a symbol of government attacks on religious and civil liberties.

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